Siren Teeth

Silly human. 😅

Snippet on underwater background:

"I wish you'd been a little more clear in your descriptions."

From the breathlessness of Maria's voice, Emilia figured she could only be talking about one thing. "You mean the breasts? I didn't think it would bother you," she admitted. "You grew up in a tavern, for Aletha's sake."

"Not the breasts," Maria threw out her hands in frustration. "The teeth, Em!
The f*cking teeth!"

Several curious heads poked out of the water.

Emilia took the shouting pirate by the arm and led her away from the hungry sirens. When they were out of earshot, she whispered, "I told you they had smiles like sharks."

"I thought you meant not to trust them," Maria said.

With a puzzled frown, Emilia said, "If I'd meant that, I would've said it."

by Britney Jackson.

This week’s snippet fit the #lesficfri theme on Twitter, which was “wish.” 💙

I know this was a bit of a random one, but I hope you enjoyed it, anyway! 💙

I’m on a mission right now to hunt down all of the messages I missed when my physical and mental health were taking turns being awful. So, if the message can be found, I hopefully will find it and reply soon! 💙

I hope you have an awesome week, and for anyone already celebrating, happy holidays! 💙

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