About the Author

Britney Jackson

There was once a girl who loved books so much she decided to write them…

After all, that’s the story of all writers, isn’t it? 💙

During a difficult childhood, Britney Jackson found her escape in books, and she fell especially in love with fantasy—with the limitless possibilities, the courage and heroism, and the adventure.

As a child, she wrote short stories about dragons, magic, ghosts, and little girls who didn’t fit in the box they were given, and from that first story on, she knew she’d never be able to stop.

A traumatic event in college, paired with an already traumatic childhood, led to a very dark period in Britney Jackson’s life. During that time, it was writing that saved her life, and for a while, writing was the only thing that kept her going.

In that time, she started writing a queer vampire series that followed a queer protagonist and villain who’d experienced similar trauma. In the end, the series was more than just trauma, but it started simply as a way to process those feelings.

And it was a promise to herself—and her readers—that life can go on.

Since she’d grown up in a homophobic environment with little to no queer representation, she’d never found the courage to come out as a lesbian, but in writing a series with wlw protagonists and a central sapphic romance, she finally found the courage she needed.

After years of fear and self-loathing, she was finally able to say (with pride 🏳️‍🌈) that she was a lesbian.

Because it wasn’t there when she needed it, queer representation became a passion for her, and that, along with her passion for portraying mentally ill characters, has driven her writing since.

Besides writing, Britney Jackson is also a musician and a mother. She resides in Alabama with her two children and her cat, Loki, who helps her write by clinging to her arms and sleeping on her keyboard.

She has a Bachelor of Science in Fine Arts and Religion and did her graduate work in English and Literature.

Britney Jackson is a member of the SFWA (Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association), GCLS (Golden Crown Literary Society), QRI (Queer Romance Ink), Liminal Fiction, and iReadIndies. 💙

Her lesbian pirate novel, Pirates of Aletharia, won a Goldie Award in 2022, was voted Best Sapphic Fantasy on I Heart Sapphfic, and was voted the IHS Book of the Month in January 2022 in the Fantasy Romance category. 💙

She’s currently working on its sequel, Goddess of the Sea. 🏴‍☠️🌈

(the cat, not the god)

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