Snippet and Sapphics with Swords

I hope you’re having a wonderful week! 💙

I’m a few days late in sharing it here, but I have our weekly snippet and a fun announcement! 💙


Never blame the dragons. 🐉

(In front of Emilia.)

Snippet on blue sea background:

"We had vastly different childhoods."

Maria raised both eyebrows. "It was my sex life that told you that?" she said. "Not the dragons?"

Em turned to frown at her. "No, no, no. You have it all wrong." She held up her hand. "The dragons were the most normal part of my childhood!"

Maria couldn't help but laugh. "You're only proving my point, love."

by Britney Jackson.


Did you see this? 💙

Pirates of Aletharia was second in I Heart SapphFic’s Sapphics with Swords poll! 💙

Thank you so much to everyone who voted! 💙

And congratulations to the other winners! 💙

You can see them here:

Oh, and the newsletter should be finally going out tonight, so be sure to check your inboxes for that! 💙

Lots of love,


A Helen Snippet

Being ship surgeon of the Wicked Fate means dealing with Helen. A lot. 😅

Excerpt on background of bottles and tinctures:

When Emilia returned, she found a large, muscular woman sprawled across her surgery table.

Helen covered her eyes with two unwashed hands. "I'm ready," she said with a dramatic sigh. "Cut me open."

Emilia had no idea why Helen was covering her eyes, but she'd stopped asking questions at this point. "I don't cut people open for stomach cramps, Helen."

Helen dropped her hands and sat up. Her long, red braid swung for a moment.
"So, there's no cure?"

Emilia knelt to retrieve a small, glass bottle from one of her wooden chests. "I made you a tincture."

She straightened and held out the bottle, but Helen leaned away, as if it were some kind of explosive.

Not that she would've *ever* backed away from one of those.

With a grimace, Helen said, "Does it taste bad?"

"No worse than Judith's rum."

by Britney Jackson.

I enjoy sharing snippets—if for no other reason than that it gets me out of my head for a moment and makes me stop listening to that endless loop of: “I’m terrible. Everything I do is terrible. Why am I even trying? Etc., etc.”

The only problem is when I need to choose a snippet, my anxiety kicks in with: “Don’t choose the wrong one! Oh, no, I’m going to choose the wrong one!”

My brain’s fun, don’t you think? 😅

But that’s one of the things I like about hashtag games. A few years ago, the writing community on Twitter had tons of them. There aren’t as many anymore, but one of my favorites is still going. 💙

Searching for a specific word in the document means it’s less of a choice, and my anxiety cooperates better with that arrangement. 😅

It does result in some pretty random snippets—but snippets, nonetheless!

The word for this week was “woman,” and when I searched and this scene popped up, I thought, “Well, maybe my Helen fans will enjoy this one.” 😂

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you have a wonderful week! 💙

Lots of love,


Latest Snippet

Happy New Year! 💚💚💚

I could’ve sworn I shared this snippet here last week, but apparently, I did not. 😅 So, here’s the latest snippet from Goddess of the Sea. 💚

This one is taken from one of Zain’s (unsuccessful) lectures.

It’s hard being quartermaster to Captain Maria Welles. 😅

Snippet on green dragon-fire background:

"After what Catherine did to her, Em should be the least forgiving of your... mistake."

The ounce of self-preservation that had stopped Zain from making the accusation out loud was all that kept Maria's sword in its scabbard.

"Instead, she's out there, viciously guarding your secrets like some kind of—" A look of genuine misery crossed the quartermaster's face the moment his own analogy caught up with him. "Oh, you know, like a—"

It was too late, though.

Maria was already laughing. "Dragon?"

by Britney Jackson

I’m still working through my missed messages, so if you’re waiting on a reply, don’t give up on me yet. 💚

I’ll also be sharing another announcement within the next few days, and our January newsletter should go out soon! 💚

I hope you have an awesome weekend! 💚

Lots of love,


Happy Holidays

For those who celebrate, I hope you had an awesome Christmas, and I hope your holidays are going well. 💙

And if the holidays are hard for you, like they are for me, I hope you know you’re not alone. 💙

Sending lots of love and well wishes your way. 💙

Sapphic couple exchanging gifts in front of a Christmas tree.

In case you missed it:

The very entertaining literary podcast Wham, Bam, Thank You, Ma’am discussed Pirates of Aletharia last month. 💙🏴‍☠️🌈💙

Listening to this episode left me both giddy (because holy-cow-that’s-my-book-oh-my-gosh 😅) and with a sore stomach because I laughed so much. 💙

It’s so much fun. 💙

I’ve included links for anyone below who’d like to check it out. 💙

Screenshot of the podcast episode on Spotify.


“12 - It's Britney, Bitch! (Pirates of Aletharia)”

Wham, Bam, Thank You, Ma'am!

• Nov 8 • 2 hr, 33 min

In our Season 2 Premiere, we discuss Pirates of Aletheria by Britney Jackson.

Pirates, Dragons, and Lesbians Oh My! This tale has the Ma'ams impressed and ready to surrender to Captain Maria Welles.

I have a new snippet to share with you, an announcement, and a newsletter to send out, but until then, happy New Year’s Eve! 💙

Siren Teeth

Silly human. 😅

Snippet on underwater background:

"I wish you'd been a little more clear in your descriptions."

From the breathlessness of Maria's voice, Emilia figured she could only be talking about one thing. "You mean the breasts? I didn't think it would bother you," she admitted. "You grew up in a tavern, for Aletha's sake."

"Not the breasts," Maria threw out her hands in frustration. "The teeth, Em!
The f*cking teeth!"

Several curious heads poked out of the water.

Emilia took the shouting pirate by the arm and led her away from the hungry sirens. When they were out of earshot, she whispered, "I told you they had smiles like sharks."

"I thought you meant not to trust them," Maria said.

With a puzzled frown, Emilia said, "If I'd meant that, I would've said it."

by Britney Jackson.

This week’s snippet fit the #lesficfri theme on Twitter, which was “wish.” 💙

I know this was a bit of a random one, but I hope you enjoyed it, anyway! 💙

I’m on a mission right now to hunt down all of the messages I missed when my physical and mental health were taking turns being awful. So, if the message can be found, I hopefully will find it and reply soon! 💙

I hope you have an awesome week, and for anyone already celebrating, happy holidays! 💙

Chunk of Ice

Snippet, anyone? 💙

It’s been so long since I shared one, but I’m going to try to share them weekly from here on out (if my mental health will cooperate).

Snippet on dark sea background:

"Captain," Zain said, once they were alone, "who is Nydia, and why would our surgeon need to question her about Catherine?"

Maria crossed her arms, hiding her feelings well—if she did say so herself. "Nydia Drakon is the unfeeling chunk of ice who somehow gave birth to Em."

With a stare that was more exhausted than confused, Zain said, "I thought Em's mother was dead."

"Yes," Maria said. "She's that, too."

by Britney Jackson

Also, for those of you who like to preorder, the Kindle link is up. 💙

The date it shows at the moment is just a placeholder. I’ll fix it as soon as I have the exact date—which will be very soon. 💙

Happy December! I hope you have an awesome month! 💙

Goddess of the Sea and a (very blue-ish) Cover

Have you seen the cover for Goddess of the Sea yet? 💙

I shared it in the newsletter and on social media in August, but if you’re not following any of those, you might’ve missed it.

I’ve been taking care of sick kids lately and forgetting literally everything, but now that they’re feeling better (yay!), I’ll try to catch it all up.

So, if you missed it, you can see the (very blue-ish) cover below! 💙

Goddess of the Sea

Lesbians, Pirates, and Dragons: Book 2

by Britney Jackson

Goddess of the Sea, sequel to Pirates of Aletharia, will be here this December. 💙

🏴‍☠️ lesbian pirates (obviously)
🏳️‍🌈 healing from trauma
🏴‍☠️ dragon-riding
🏳️‍🌈 ship cats getting much-deserved treats
🏴‍☠️ a certain navy admiral and her many secrets
🏳️‍🌈 sapphic sea goddess

Eeek, what do you think? 🫣

December! 💙

(And I’m absolutely panicking about it. 😅)

When my panic dies down a bit, I want to start sharing weekly(-ish) snippets, so stayed tuned for that.

Until then, stay well, and stay safe! 💙

Lots of love,


Fan-Art! 💙

I shared this on social media a while ago, but I never shared it here. So, if you haven’t seen it yet, please, feast your eyes upon this beautiful Pirates of Aletharia fan-art. 💙💙💙💙

A very talented reader sent this to me, and obviously, I’m a puddle of happiness and will never recover.

Thank you so much to the artist, Helle Rahel Niguman! 💙💙💙💙


Look at these lesbian pirates flirting—ahem, I mean sword-fighting! 🏴‍☠️🌈

Emilia Drakon and Captain Maria Welles from Pirates of Aletharia
Fan-Art by Helle Rahel Niguman

And there’s one of Catherine, too! ⚔️💙

Admiral Catherine Rochester from Pirates of Aletharia
Fan-Art by Helle Rahel Niguman

Isn’t it just wonderful? 🥹💙

Our Pride Month newsletter will (hopefully!) go out today or tomorrow, so until then, I hope you have an awesome day. 💙

Lesbian Visibility Day

Happy Lesbian Visibility Day! 🏳️‍🌈

Representation is so important. I spent so long feeling alone, scared, wrong, and just…broken. It’s why I write what I write and why I’ll continue to write what I write. 🧡🤍💖

You deserve to exist, and you deserve to see yourself exist. It’s the people who tell you otherwise who are wrong. 🧡🤍💖

A lesbian flag with message, “Happy Visibility Day,” on Britney Jackson’s website.

In celebration of Lesbian Visibility Week, Jae has put together a list of one hundred books with lesbian protagonists (including one of mine 🧡).

You can find them here:

Image with lesbian flags, books, and the words: “100 Books featuring lesbian characters.”

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